SOSA25 Submissions & Deadlines | SIAM

Submissions and Deadlines

SIAM Symposium on Simplicity in Algorithms (SOSA25)

Submissions & Deadlines


Important Submission Information


The proceedings will be posted online in mid-January 2025.

Acceptance Notification

The Program Committee chairs will distribute acceptance notices and final paper submission instructions to authors of accepted papers in early October 2024.

SIAM will distribute a follow-up notice in mid-October 2024; a list of accepted papers will be posted at this time.

Speaker Cancellation

The Conference Organizing Committee expects every speaker in a scheduled presentation to register and attend the conference.

If it becomes necessary for a speaker to cancel a presentation, he or she should try to find an alternate presenter immediately, preferably a co-author. See SIAM Policy on Substitute Speakers and Remote Presentations. Contact SIAM Conferences immediately with any change to a scheduled presentation.

A “no-show” or cancelled presentation can cause serious inconvenience to the attendees and conference organizers. The committee thanks all speakers in advance for their compliance to this request.

Additional Information

Submission Instructions

How to Participate

Authors must submit their papers electronically, in PDF format. Submissions should begin with a title page containing the paper title and an abstract summarizing the contributions of the paper. There is no page limit. The paper should begin with a clear description of the algorithmic problem to be solved, a survey of prior work on the problem—including a candid assessment of prior work in terms of simplicity and elegance—and a discussion of the contributions of the paper. The body of the paper should be written for a general theoretical computer science audience and substantiate the main claims of the paper with full proofs. The submission should be typeset using 11-point font, in a single-column format with ample spacing throughout and ample margins all around. The submissions ought to be visually easy to read.

Double-Blind Reviewing

SOSA will use (lightweight) double-blind reviewing. Submissions should not reveal the identity of the authors, including authors’ names, affiliations, or email addresses. References to the authors' own related work should be in the third person. However, nothing should be done in the name of anonymity that weakens the submission or makes reviewing the paper more difficult. In particular, important references should not be omitted or anonymized. In addition, authors can disseminate their ideas or draft versions of their paper as they normally would, e.g. in talks or on arXiv. In case there exist publicly available versions of the submission, authors may mention this in their submission (without providing references/links) and briefly explain the differences, if any. Alternatively, they can communicate such details to the chairs. Questions on double-blind reviewing can be addressed to the PC chairs.

Rebuttal Phase

There will be a rebuttal phase after initial reviews. The initial reviews (and further instructions) will be made available to the authors by September 9, and rebuttals will be due September 13, Anywhere on Earth. Submitting a rebuttal is not mandatory. It is intended as a way to point out errors or misconceptions in the initial reviews, or to answer questions that reviewers might have about the paper.

Paper Award

The program committee may designate one or more papers as SOSA Best Papers. All submissions will be considered.

The submission site is available: