Jürgen Moser Lecture | SIAM

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Activity Group Prizes

Jürgen Moser Lecture

The prize was established in 2000 in memory of Jürgen Moser, a leading mathematician who helped develop influential theories in celestial mechanics and dynamical systems theory. It is awarded to one individual who has made distinguished contributions to nonlinear science.

Nomination Deadline: October 15, 2024

Submit a Nomination

Prize Description

Prize Description

The SIAM Activity Group on Dynamical Systems (SIAG/DS) awards the Jürgen Moser Lecture every two years to an individual who has made distinguished contributions to nonlinear science. The term “nonlinear science” is used in the spirit of the SIAG on Dynamical Systems conferences. Specifically, it includes dynamical systems theory and its applications as well as experiments, computations, and simulations.

Eligibility Criteria

The prize may be awarded to any member of the scientific community who meets the general guideline of the prize description.

Required Materials

  • Nominator’s letter of recommendation for candidate
  • Candidate's CV
  • Two or three letters of support from experts in the field

Call for Nominations

SIAM is now accepting nominations for the 2025 award.

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Prize Information

Prize Details

Read the full prize specifications.

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Nomination Deadline Calendar

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Related Activity Group

Learn about the SIAM Activity Group on Dynamical Systems.

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Selection Committee

Selection Committee


Ira Schwartz
Naval Research Laboratory


Igor Belykh
Georgia State University
Anna Ghazaryan
Miami University
George Haller
ETH Zurich
Juan Restrepo
University of Colorado Boulder

About the Award

About the Jürgen Moser Lecture

The Jürgen Moser Lecture includes a $3,000 monetary prize, a certificate containing the citation, and an invitation to give a plenary lecture at the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems. SIAM will reimburse the recipient for reasonable travel expenses incurred in attending the award ceremony and giving the lecture.

Award Date

The prize will next be awarded at the 2025 SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems.

Award Presentation

The Chair of the SIAM Activity Group on Dynamical Systems will announce the award and present it to the recipient. The recipient is invited to be present to receive the award. An announcement of the award recipient will appear in SIAM News and activity group's newsletter.

Prize Fund

The initial funds for this prize were contributed by friends of Jürgen Moser.

Prize History

Prize History

Selection Committee

Naomi Leonard (Chair)
Peter Ashwin
Gianne Derks
Jeff Moehlis
Louis Pecora

Selection Committee

Gary Froyland (Chair)
Sue Ann Campbell
Vivien Kirk
Edgar Knobloch
Louis Pecora

Selection Committee

Joceline Lega (Chair)
Carson Chow
Martin Golubitsky
Hinke Osinga
Jonathan Rubin

Read More about the Winner

Selection Committee

Jonathan Rubin (Chair)
Sue Ann Campbell
Charles Doering
Ulrike Feudel
Paul Glendinning

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Selection Committee

Paul Glendinning (Chair)
Peter Bates
Yasumasa Nishiura
Gabor Stepan
Mary Lou Zeeman

Selection Committee

Tim Sauer (Chair)
Jonathan Dawes
Thomas Erneux
Lisa Fauci
Rachel Kuske
James Meiss
Tere M. Seara

Read More about the Winner

Selection Committee

John Mallet-Paret (Chair)
Robert Devaney
Martin Golubitsky
Robert MacKay
Laurette Tuckerman

Selection Committee

Robert Devaney (Chair)
Nancy Kopell
Eric Kostelich
Yasumasa Nishiura
Harry Swinney

Selection Committee

Eric Kostelich (Chair)
Philip Holmes
Mark Levi
Rafael de la Llave
Edriss Titi

2005 Stephen Smale

Selection Committee

Mark Levi (Chair)
G. Bard Ermentrout
Jerrold Marsden
David Ruelle
C. Eugene Wayne

2003 David P. Ruelle

Selection Committee

C. Eugene Wayne (Chair)
Krystyna Kuperberg
Peter Lax
James Yorke

2001 Yakov G. Sinai

Selection Committee

John Guckenheimer (Chair)
Predrag Cvitanovic
Nancy Kopell
Peter Lax
Eduard Zehnder


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